Awakening Orchestra Alumni.

     since the early days in in 2003... truly, we have been blessed.

robynn amy - bass trombone
matt aronoff - bass
peter auricchio - trumpet
rj avallone - trumpet
kurt bacher - reeds
alden banta - reeds
joseph barati - bass trombone
shannon barnett - trombone
michael bates - bass
nick biello - reeds
paul bilodeau - trombone
seneca black - trumpet
tyler blanton - vibraphone
michael boscarino - trombone
samuel burtis - trombone
jason camelio - trombone
michael caterisano - vibraphone
etienne charles - trumpet
vito chiavuzzo - reeds
dustin cicero - reeds
will clark - drums
jason colby - trumpet
tim collins - vibraphone
patrick cornelius - reeds
adam czerepinski - trumpet
benje daneman - trumpet
john davis - drums
volker deglmann - trumpet
david deJesus - reeds
willem deKoch - trombone
chris dingman - vibraphone
philip dizack - trumpet
nick dunston - bass
peter evans - trumpet
michael fahie - trombone
milton fletcher - piano
joseph freuen - trombone
seth fruiterman - voice
michael gorham - trumpet
kevin gosa - reeds
andrew gould - reeds
benjamin griffin - trombone
andrew gutauskas - reeds
julie hardy - voice
augie hass - trumpet
deon hairston - drums
nathan hetherington - voice
barbara hamilton - trombone
julie hardy - voice
james hirschfeld - trombone
thomas heflin - trumpet
jon irabagon - reeds
takao iwaki - reeds
rohin khemani - percussion
micah killion - trumpet
aaron kotler - keyboards
brian landrus - reeds
mark lau - bass
remy le boeuf - reeds
jesse lewis - guitar
miles li - reeds
alex loRe - reeds
michael macAllister - guitar
matthew maley - reeds
pablo masis - trumpet
nate mayland - trombone
daniel mcCarthy - vibraphone
raymond mcmorrin - reeds
russell moore - trumpet
rob mosher - reeds
matthew musselman - trombone
yasushi nakamura - bass
john nastos - reeds
paul nedzela - reeds
andrew neesley - trumpet
pascal niggenkemper - bass
sebastian noelle - guitar
nadje noordhuis - trumpet
matthew owens - trumpet
joshua paris - bass
chris parris - trumpet
lisa parrott - reeds
matthew peña - voice
jordan perlson - drums
jonathan powell - trumpet
seth putnam - trumpet
brooke quiggins saulnier - violin
jay rattman - reeds
alex regazzi - trombone
david richards - reeds
jacob rodriguez - reeds
james rogers - bass trombone
samuel ryder - reeds
felipe salles - reeds
bill saulnier - trombone
kyle saulnier - conductor
joseph saylor - drums
jared schonig - drums
max seigel - bass trombone
james shipp - vibraphone
leon silva - reeds
joshua sinton - reeds
chris smith - drums
jesse stacken - keyboards
yuhan su - vibraphone
daniel urness - trumpet
erica von kleist - reeds
nathan warner - trumpet
michael webster - reeds
matthew wright - trombone
john yao - trombone
samir zarif - reeds

(holy crap, right?)

** This collection of alumni includes all musicians who have performed with us in public since March 04, 2003. Most have performed under the name the Awakening Orchestra, but as that name originated early in 2006, a select few have not. **